sâmbătă, 24 martie 2012

Adverbs can tell you where, when, how, why and to what extent something happens.

There are several different classes of adverb (see above).

They are often formed from adjectives or nouns be adding the suffix -ly.

For example: Quick becomes quickly, sudden becomes suddenly, intelligent becomes intelligently.

To form an adverb from adjectives ending in -y change the y to i before adding the -ly.

For example: angry becomes angrily, busy becomes busily.

To form an adverb from adjectives ending in -e drop the -e before adding the -ly.

For example: feeble becomes feebly, true becomes truly.

Some adjectives ending in -ly need no changes.

For example: heavenly.

However there are exceptions.

For example: sly becomes slyly, shy becomes shyly.

Some adverbs do not end in -ly.

For example: fast, hard, straight.
Adjective Pretty Serious Fast Quiet
Example She was a pretty girl. He was a serious boy. It was a fast car. They were quiet children.
Adverb Prettily Seriously Fast Quietly
Example The bird sang prettily. The policeman spoke seriously. Schumacher drives fast. The woman spoke quietly.


joi, 15 martie 2012

O resursa inepuizabila pentru invatarea limbii engleze

Dragii mei,

daca timpul nu va permite sa urmati cursuri, lectii particulare sau sa vorbiti cu nativi limba engleza, o resursa inepuizabila de informatii este bbc learning English
Mai multe detalii aveti aici:

Va astept la urmatoarele English Club unde se vorbeste, se asculta, se intreaba, se interpreteaza si se joaca roluri, numai in limba engleza:)

miercuri, 7 martie 2012

Eseul Argumentativ

Cu totii avem la un moment dat de facut un eseu. Fiind o parte importanta din pregatirea pentru Cambridge, de exemplu, m-am gandit ca ar fi utile cateva resurse ce sprijina redactarea unui eseu.

Va invit sa dedicati cateva minute acestor informatii:

Useful Essay Words and Phrases

Certain words are used to link ideas and to signpost the reader the direction your line of reasoning is about to take, such as adding more emphasis, or introducing an alternative point of view.

Below is a selection of words used to link ideas, depending on the direction of your argument.

Adding more to a point already made
moreover; furthermore; again; further; what is more; in addition
besides; above all; as well (as)
either; neither…nor; not only…but also; similarly; in the same way; indeed
in fact; really; in reality, it is found that…
as for; as to; with respect to; regarding

Writing in lists
first(ly); second(ly); third(ly)
another; yet another; in addition; finally
to begin with; in the second place
moreover; additionally; also
next; then; and to conclude; lastly; finally

Putting the same idea in a different way
in other words; rather; or; better; in that case
to put it (more) simply
in view of this; with this in mind
to look at this another way

Introducing examples
that is to say; in other words
for example; for instance; namely; an example of this is
and; as follows; as in the following examples; such as; including
especially; particularly; in particular; notably; chiefly; mainly; mostly

Introducing an alternative viewpoint
by contrast; another way of viewing this is; alternatively; again; rather;
one alternative is; another possibility is...
on the one hand…on the other hand
in comparison; on the contrary; in fact; though; although

Returning to emphasise your earlier viewpoint
however; despite x; in spite of x
while x may be true...
although; though; after all; at the same time; on the other hand; all the same; even if x is true; although x may have a good point

Showing the results of something
Therefore (=por lo tanto); as a result
so, (then,) it can be seen that
the result is; the consequence is
we can see, then, that; it is evident that
because of this; for this reason; this suggests that; it follows that
due to (=debido a )
in other words;

Summing up or concluding
therefore; so, my conclusion is
in short; in conclusion; to conclude; on the whole (=en conjunto)
to summarise; to sum up briefly; in brief;

Useful phrases to introduce quotations (=citas)

• According to X,…
• To quote from X, ‘…’
• X tells/shows us that…
• Referring to …, X argues that
• As X stated/wrote/argued/discussed/expressed the concern, …

Sursa: http://www.slideshare.net/englishbites/useful-argumentative-essay-words-and-phrases



Sa aveti spor dragilor:)