luni, 9 septembrie 2013

English Club

Sambata 28 septembrie, in intervalul 15:00-17:00, va asteptam la o noua intalnire „ English Club” la cafeneaua Aromaroma ( Str. Popa Tatu nr. 61), pentru a va bucura de :
• Exercitii interactive in limba engleza
• Jocuri in limba engleza
• Conversatii tematice de grup in limba engleza
• Episod Cultural in limba engleza
• Networking
• Tombola

Participantii este ideal sa aiba un nivel minim conversational, varsta minima 14 ani si sa-si doreasca sa petreaca 2 ore alaturi de 2 traineri plini de entuziasm: Felicia Zarna si Geo Pana.
Participarea se face cu inscriere la adresele de mail de mai jos, iar costul de 25 de ron se plateste la inceputul intalnirii.
Felicia: Tel. 0723 159 489,
Geo: Tel. 0721 241 230,
Harta locatie:,26.085706&spn=0.008594,0.021136&fb=1&gl=ro&hq=cafeneaua+aromaroma&cid=0,0,3823714464744294960&t=m&z=16
Daca simtiti nevoia sa dati share acestui eveniment prietenilor vostri interesati, noi va multumim anticipat.

Cu drag,

luni, 12 august 2013

Limba Engleza dezvoltarea cunostintelor

Limba Engleza, atat de ceruta si atat de cauata, atat de utila si atat de necesara in zilele noastre.

Resursele de pe internet sunt nelimitate, totusi este nevoie pentru a conversa si a cere sfaturi in timp real de un profesor care e la curent cu ultimele teste necesare angajarii in strainatate de exemplu, sau cu resursele actuale, cele mai utile unei persoane interesate de invatatrea, stapanirea si imbunatatirea cunostintelor de Limba Engleza.

Una dintre metodele foarte bune de imbunatatire a vocbularului este ascultare stirilor de pe CNN sau BBC, citirea de articole din domeniile de interes ( pe internet) sau citirea de carti si reviste, de la cele de specialitate, pana la " ce ne pica in mana".

Pentru exercitiu conversational sau pregatirea pentru interviu, ma puteti contacta pe mail: sau la telefon: 0721241230
Resurse utile:

joi, 21 februarie 2013

Franceza se invata prin exercitiu

O sursa foarte buna pentru dictari in limba franceza:

Sa aveti spor si sa fiti perseverenti, astfel vor aparea si rezultatele.


luni, 14 ianuarie 2013

Intrebari specifice interviu contabil sau economist

50 Questions to Ask while Interviewing an Accountant
What licenses do you have?
How long have you been in accounting?
How long have you run your own accounting business?
Who are your other clients?
How do you calculate your fees?
Do you have any specialties?
Do you have experience with freelance independent contractors?
How many accountants are in the firm?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Can I see the results of your accounting firm’s peer review report? (normally done every three years)
Do you consider yourself to be tech-savvy?
Are you active in the local business community?
Do you outsource any of your work? Do you perform the work personally? If not, what is the review process?
Will the person I deal with change? Will I get a regular person to discuss my finances with?
Are your services standardized (packages) or do you offer customized services based upon my business needs?
Can you help me with 1099s & dealing with subcontractors?
Can you help me set up a good balance sheet and income statement?
How do you feel about teaching your clients about finance?
What was the last accounting workshop you attended about? How often do you attend continuing education?
Can I write off my new iphone? (probably) How about my business suit? (only if it qualifies as a uniform – has to have branding etc…)
How long from when I call can I usually get an appointment to see you in person?
Can I call you when I have a question? Do you answer questions by email?
Do you have the knowledge and experience to handle my tax situation?
Have you ever worked with a home-based business?
What new changes in the tax laws will affect me this year?
What type of retirement accounts are available to me? How would you recommend I use them to my advantage?
How will you help me maximize my tax savings? How do you double-check that?
How long, approximately, will it take to finish my taxes?
Who is your target client?
What do you love most about what you do?
What’s your privacy policy? Will you share my information with any third-parties?
Based on your experience, what form of business structure should I have?
What do you think of turbo tax?
What makes a good accountant in your opinion?
Do you know how to use ________ (your preferred accounting software)? In your opinion, is this the right software for my business? Why?
What happens if I get audited?
Have you ever been the accountant to someone being audited?
Do you personally know the local IRS auditors?
What are some of the common problems you’ve worked through with other companies in my business industry?
What specific deductions apply to me (childcare tax credits, educational credits…)?
Have you ever worked directly with a client’s financial planner? What issues did that cause, if any?
What are some of the things I need to be aware of as my business grows?
How does your firm handle setting up and guiding me through estimated tax payment?
What is the difference between a good accountant and a bad accountant?
Do you do your own accounting?
Without giving specific personal details, what is one of the biggest messes you have encountered and how were you able to help?
Do you provide bookkeeping? Payroll? What other services do you offer?
What records should I keep and how do you recommend I organize them?

Why should I use you?
Is there a question I should have asked that I didn’t?


joi, 27 decembrie 2012

How to Learn English fast

How to Learn English fast 

Pass daily through one of these by working on/with them:
1. Grammar
*The Article
*The Noun
*The Adjective
*The Adverb
*The Verb: *Present Forms
* Past Forms
*Future Forms
*Modal Verbs
* Clauses: *Time Clauses
*Clauses of purpose
*Clauses of Concession
*Clauses of reason
*Clauses of Result
*Relative Clauses
*Defining/Non-defining Relative Clauses
*Passive voice
* Causative have ( have something done)
*Reported speech
2. Listening: *bbc news,
*bbc radio
*bbc learning English
* Voa news
* any English radio
3. Writing – Translations, Essays, Presentations ( Power Point)
4. Speaking -each time the occasion occurs
5. Vocabulary& reading


marți, 30 octombrie 2012

Pasi pentru invatarea rapida a limbii engleze

1. Ai incredere in tine.

2. Lucreaza zilnic, maxim 30 de minute, dar fa-o zilnic!

3.Inconjoara-te de materiale in limba engleza: filme, muzica, desene animate, carti, site-uri.

4. Foloseste limba engleza cat mai des cu putinta. Acasa poti vorbi chiar tu cu tine, daca nu ai pe cineva aproape care sa stie limba engleza.

5. Invata zilnic 2-3 cuvinte noi si noteaza-le pe un caiet, foloseste-le in enunturi.

6. Fa-ti un plan dupa care sa inveti. Astfel te vei forta sa il respecti si vei face constant exercitii.

7. E important sa te ocupi de toate aceste aspecte in fiecare saptamana: ascultat, citit, scris, vorbit.

8. Invata in perioada din zi cand te simti tu cel mai ok pentru "invatare".

9. Este mult mai usor sa inveti din contexte decat sa retii cuvinte singure, ca un papagal.

10. Fa-ti un caiet sau o agenda in care iti notezi frazele, expresiile care iti plac sau sunt noi pentru tine.

11.O data pe luna fa un test online pentru a-ti masura progresele, un site foarte bun este:

12.Citeste materiale diverse, dar si materiale specializate pe domeniile tale de interes.

13.Stabileste-ti tinte precise, cum ar fi obtinerea unei diplome Cambridg, IELTS sau pur si simplu un tel mai mic, o data pe an sa treci la un nou nivel ( A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)

14. Ai rabdare cu tine, acorda-ti timp pentru a ajunge la nivel avansat de limba engleza.

15.Invata dupa propriul ritm si propria metoda. Poti invata in liniste sau cu muzica, adapteaza-te propriei metode de invatarea, aceea cu care te simti cel mai confortabil.

16.Cere ajutorul atunci cand simti ca ai nevoie de cineva care sa iti explice ceva.

17. Daca ai ocazia sa vorbesti cu un nativ, nu o rata, indrazneste, doar asa vei progresa!

18.Cand inveti un cuvant nou, invata si alti termeni din familia lui lexicala.

19. Vorbeste cat de des poti, cu orice ocazie!

20.Exista milioane de resurse online, asculta un post de radio, cum ar fi: bbc, voa news, radio Australia,radio Solent, Radio Scotland,CBS Newsworld, CNN Radio, ABC News, Voice of America.

marți, 4 septembrie 2012

Imbunatatirea Limbii Engleze

O metoda foarte utila de imbunatatire a limbii engleze o reprezinta ascultarea unor materiale si vizionarea unor materiale. O sursa excelenta este youtube, unde se poate imbina prin vizionarea unor documentare, de exemplu, imbunatatirea vocabularului, a pronuntiei , dar si a culturii generale. O sursa foarte buna este bbc: